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Our Investment Philosophy

We believe that investment successes come from the disciplined application of a sound process guided by a proven philosophy. In this regard, our investment philosophy includes:

  • Comprehensive Strategy: A successful investment strategy needs a clearly defined set of goals and objectives. Every REGAL portfolio has a well-defined return objective, a framework for measuring process toward that goal and limits on the amount of risk we take in trying to achieve the objective.
  • Consistent returns: Our portfolios are designed to provide a balance between risk and return. We believe that solid, consistent returns produce the best long-term results. A strategy that produces consistent returns year after year is easier to live with than a seesaw strategy that produces large gains some years followed by large losses in others.
  • Risk reduction: We focus on minimising losses. By paying attention to down-side risk protection, we help our clients stick with their investment strategy through the difficult markets that periodically come along.
  • Complete transparency: We provide better monitoring and transparency in the management of your fund.
  • Financial goals: We make sure you attain your financial goals by investing with us